Summary: | Three methods were used to schedule irrigations during the 1990 growing season on replicated plots at the Maricopa Ag Center using DPL 90 cotton. This is the final report of the research initiated in 1988. The three methods were: a soil water balance model based on historic consumptive use curves (ERIE), a soil water balance model (AZSCHED) based on the Modified Penman Equation and daily weather (AZMET), and infrared thermometry using the Crop Water Stress Index (CWSI). A potassium- bromide conservative tracer was applied at selected sites in the plots to evaluate leaching characteristics. The irrigation scheduling test was again duplicated at the Safford Experiment Station and is presented in another report. Results from this years data indicate that there was no significant difference in yield between the 3 methods. Also, there was no significant difference in the amount of applied irrigation water. The AZSCHED and ERIE methods will be developed into Extension educational tools and released for use by growers.