Summary: | The city of El Paso has currently applied to the State Engineer of New Mexico for 265 groundwater well permits in the Mesilla Bolson of southern New Mexico. Well pumpages were simulated for a 100-year time span using MODFLOW, a computer-based groundwater model. Model results indicate that approximately 82,000 Acre-feet/year (AFY) of additional net surface water leakance is due to the pumpage of the additional El Paso wells by the end of the simulation. Some river reaches attain a constant leakance level for the last 30 to 40 years of the simulation. Increased aquifer storage loss amounts to approximately 140,000 AFY by the end of the simulation period. Average drawdown will increase by 0.5, 6.5, and 10.0 feet for the northern, central, and southern upper aquifers, respectively, lowering the water table level below some irrigation drains.