Summary: | In this thesis we prove two main results. The Triangle Conjecture asserts that the convex hull of any optimal rectilinear drawing of <em>K<sub>n</sub></em> must be a triangle (for <em>n</em> ≥ 3). We prove that, for the larger class of pseudolinear drawings, the outer face must be a triangle. The other main result is the next step toward Guy's Conjecture that the crossing number of <em>K<sub>n</sub></em> is $(1/4)[n/2][(n-1)/2][(n-2)/2][(n-3)/2]$. We show that the conjecture is true for <em>n</em> = 11,12; previously the conjecture was known to be true for <em>n</em> ≤ 10. We also prove several minor results.