Summary: | Traffic congestion negatively affects traveler mobility and air quality. Stop and go vehicular movements associated with traffic jams typically result in higher fuel consumption levels compared to cruising at a constant speed. The first objective in the dissertation is to investigate the spatial relationship between air quality and traffic flow patterns. We developed and applied a recursive Bayesian estimation algorithm to estimate the source location (associated with traffic jam) of an airborne contaminant (aerosol) in a simulation environment. This algorithm was compared to the gradient descent algorithm and an extended Kalman filter algorithm. Results suggest that Bayesian estimation is less sensitive to the choice of the initial state and to the plume dispersion model. Consequently, Bayesian estimation was implemented to identify the location (correlated with traffic flows) of the aerosol (soot) that can be attributed to traffic in the vicinity of the Old Dominion University campus, using data collected from a remote sensing system. Results show that the source location of soot pollution is located at congested intersections, which demonstrate that air quality is correlated with traffic flows and congestion caused by signalized intersections.
Sustainable mobility can help reduce traffic congestion and vehicle emissions, and thus, optimizing the performance of available infrastructure via advanced traffic signal controllers has become increasingly appealing. The second objective in the dissertation is to develop a novel de-centralized traffic signal controller, achieved using a Nash bargaining game-theoretic framework, that operates a flexible phasing sequence and free cycle length to adapt to dynamic changes in traffic demand levels. The developed controller was implemented and tested in the INTEGRATION microscopic traffic assignment and simulation software. The proposed controller was compared to the operation of an optimum fixed-time coordinated plan, an actuated controller, a centralized adaptive phase split controller, a decentralized phase split and cycle length controller, and a fully coordinated adaptive phase split, cycle length, and offset optimization controller to evaluate its performance.
Testing was initially conducted on an isolated intersection, showing a 77% reduction in queue length, a 17% reduction in vehicle emission levels, and a 64% reduction in total delay. In addition, the developed controller was tested on an arterial network producing statistically significant reductions in total delay ranging between 36% and 67% and vehicle emissions reductions ranging between 6% and 13%. Analysis of variance, Tukey, and pairwise comparison tests were conducted to establish the significance of the proposed controller. Moreover, the controller was tested on a network of 38 intersections producing significant reduction in the travel time by 23.6%, a reduction in the queue length by 37.6%, and a reduction in CO2 emissions by 10.4%. Finally, the controller was tested on the Los Angeles downtown network composed of 457 signalized intersections, producing a 35% reduction in travel time, a 54.7% reduction in queue length, and a 10% reduction in the CO2 emissions.
The results demonstrate that the proposed decentralized controller produces major improvements over other state-of-the-art centralized and de-centralized controllers. The proposed controller is capable of alleviating congestion as well as reducing emissions and enhancing air quality. === PHD