Summary: | The summer of 1916 will live in the memories of the people of Western Canada and the U.S.A. as one of the most severe ever experienced, from the standpoint of damage to cereal crops, wrought by rust.<p>
Coming at such a critical period in the history of the world, this disaster has had a national importance that as yet, is probably underestimated. Its ravages have been widespread, especially in the spring wheat sections of North America, and its virulence enhanced by the favorable season, has demonstrated once more the dreaded possibilities of the disease, when the proper environment for its maximum development is provided by Nature.<p>
Besides giving the farmer an ocular demonstration of the difficulties presented in combating such a pest, this epidemic has served to emphasize some outstanding features of the disease in relation to cultivated crops, which in turn have suggested and confirmed a few practical and feasible means of control. It is to be helped that the improvements in grain production resulting in lessons learned at this time will counterbalance several times over the actual loss sustained in the deficiency of grain production this one season.