Summary: | A photon beam of Eγmax = 125 MeV, produced by the Saskatchewan
electron linear accelerator, was used to irradiate a deuteron target.
The deuteron target was viewed simultaneously by five neutron detectors
located respectively at 30°, 60°:, 90°, 112° and 142° to the incident
photon beam.
The measured angular distributions were compared with the
theoretical calculations using Hamada- Johnston and Boundary Condition
Model potentials. The results of this experiment were also compared
with previous measurements where they overlap. Good agreement was
found between the present measurements and theoretical predictions in the
energy region of Eγ≤40 MeV. The shape of the angular distributions in
this energy region is approximately sin 2Θ as expected.
There is no strict agreement between the present measurements
and the theoretical predictions at Eγ≤55 MeV. Though the non-phenomenological
potential, the Boundary Condition model potential, appears to give better
predictions of the angular distributions than the Hamada- Johnson potential.
The apparent disagreement between the present work and previous
experiments at backward angles is interpreted to be due to the large
uncertainties in the background subtraction in the forward proton angles,
as all previous workers detected in the outgoing protons in the
reaction D (γ, p) n. The large isotropic contribution observed is
interpreted to be due to tensor forces both in the ground and final
states as well as spin-orbit forces in the final state.