Summary: | This paper studies how gender roles and the Swedish nation are portrayed in newsreels during 1945 – 1959. Almost a hundred films have been analyzed to examine norms regarding looks, professions and roles in society. Women are mostly portrayed as housewives and their appearance is thoroughly described, whereas for men their actions are in focus and more important than their looks. But at the same time women gain access to the labor market during this period and gender roles start transforming. There is progression towards a more equal portrayal of men and women. For example, the newsreels show female police officers and taxi drivers, and men participating in infant care and housework. A deeply rooted culture during is to period is to be rational, optimistic and modern. Technical progress and standardization permeates housework and society as a whole. Engineering and new science is highlighted and there are no obstacles for development. There is a tendency for romantic nationalism, with idyllic pictures of Swedish landscape and natural resources. Newsreels is a mass medium that is not a passive reflection of the current mentality but it also produces new ideas and can influence the audience by showing a more modern way of life and loosened gender roles.