Summary: | ScandiNova Systems AB has a growing production of magnetron modulators.Before a modulator is sent to the customer it goes through a factoryacceptance test ensuring that it meets the pre-defined requirements.Today these tests are done manually and therefor they vary in time andquality. In order to quality assure and streamline the processScandiNova wants to minimise the manual handling of the units.This projects main focus has been to evaluate and initiate thepossibility of automating SvandiNova’s factory acceptance test usingLabVIEW. Early in the project the decision was made that focus would beon the part of the test called Performance test. The performance testconsists of ten different tests where eight are performed with anoscilloscope and two with a multimeter. Only the eight preformed withan oscilloscope where included in the automation.A program that communicates with the oscilloscope through Ethernet hasbeen created in LabVIEW. This program performs all eight tests takingmeasurements and saves the images of the pulses from the oscilloscope.Before every new measurement, the program will change the settings onthe oscilloscope according to the user defined values. After a run ofthe program, the images will be saved to the user specified location onthe computer and the measured values will be presented on the userinterface.The resulting program clearly shows the possibilities of this approach,and also demonstrates the flexibility and short development timeneeded.