Summary: | This thesis gives suggestions as to how to design a wooden-based wave-power buoy. The thesiswas carried out at Uppsala University in collaboration with the Division of Electricity and AppliedMechanical Engineering. The product was conceived and developed taking into consideration anumber of requirements put forward by the supervisor, Magnus Rahm. The most importantdemands were that the material used should be able to withstand pressure from the sea withoutbeing damaged and that the production costs should be low.Department of Engineering Sciences, Division of Electricity at Uppsala University was visitedseveral times to discuss issues including the various ideas with the supervisor Magnus Rahm, andwith several people in the department.The work started by studying available literature in order to get background information aboutsuitable methods available for the project and to see how similar projects were carried out. Thereason for this was to get a better understanding of this particular problem and how to solve it.After consulting the supervisor, the group decided to construct four different buoys using fourdifferent materials. The reason behind this was to see how well the constructions could withstandpressure and to see the different effects on the various joints and sections. Based on thesefindings, the optimum buoy could be selected with regard to durability and cost.After much discussion the group decided to analyze various materials for constructing the buoy,which could then be studied to as to suitability and cost. The chosen materials were OSB (OrientedStrand Board), Kerto (veneered plywood), Plywood and Glulam (Glued laminated timber).FEM calculations were also performed on the buoys and the sections that were considered to beexposed to major stress conditions. The calculations of FEM analyzes are attached in appendices.Based on FEM calculations on all of the buoys, the group decided to recommend buoy numberfour as the most favorable with regard to the forces and influences surrounding it.After discussion, the group's final decision was to suggest further improvements to the product.