Summary: | The swedish regulations on work environment statethat in a workplace the employer holds a responsibity for their employeespshychic health as well as their physical health. Continuously it states thatby means to do so tasks or situations that could have a negative impact on theworkers state of mind should be counteracted. This includes work places asrestaurants, where stress and pressure are parts of the daily routine. Thefollowing report was written to investigate the pshychosocial work environmentwithin restaurants, experienced from the employees point of view. The aim was toinvestigate the employees well being, to see whether or not it is an issue thatneeds measuring and if there is any common knowledge surrounding theregulations regarding the pshychosocial work environment. By order to do sothis qualitive study had ten semi-structured interviews. The interviews wereboth with chefs and waitresses/waiters to as well as the previous purposesinvestigate if there was a difference between the two professions. The resultshows a strong fellowship between the co-workers, communication that can bedesribed as offensive and violative, no knowledge nor awareness of theregulations, several stressors for work related mental illness and a lack ofleadership. The result indicates that the psychological well being of employeeswithin the restaurant industry needs to be examined further. Future studiesshould focus on the causes of the problems I have discovered to be able to findsolutions for the health of current and future restaurant workers.Key words: work enironment, psychosocial, restaurant workers, stress, mental illness