Summary: | In this study we are going to analyse the criteria, on which Stockholm’s Municipality distribute public grants to cultural and sport organizations. Public funding is very importantfor many organisations, and even it is necessary for survival for some of the organisations. Although previous studies give some criticism for the criteria of the public funding. It is claimed that these criteria are not clear enough, or might have an impact on the activities in organisations. In order to achieve most objective results, we have used a qualitative research method, by interviewing representatives from cultural and sports sector. Study reviews the existing criteria of the local administrations in Stockholm for concession of financial support to the different organizations active in the field of culture and sports. Using as an argument the testimonies of the same actors involved in these areas, the study tries to find out the effects of those criteria on both social activities. During this study, new institutional theories, concerning legitimacy, decoupling and isomorphism, were used. The results of this study shows that the criteria are quite different for different types of organisations. They affect one organization and the other in a very different way. For cultural organizations the criteria havea direct effect, determining their future activities and projects. Although, for sportsorganizations the influence of the criteria is more an administrative routine that must becarried out, according to established standards.