Summary: | Observers argue that Swedish cleantech companies are excellent at technology, but lackin making business and creating export. We call this the cleantech mystery. Twoimportant questions are what creates export capabilities, and what are the barrierscleantech companies face when exporting viewed from different perspectives? Wesuggest a holistic model for understanding the export conditions of innovative cleantechcompanies at micro and macro levels. The model relies on foundations from fourdifferent theoretical views, and two case studies. The first case is United Stirling(related to Kockums and FFV in Linköping) and its spin-offs. We focus on the dream tocreate sun-powered engines that in turn generate electricity. The second case is theAerosoltrapTM illustrating a creative inventor and his struggle with commercialization.The result is a tentative model, as well as some critical notions regarding the cleantechmystery.Keywords: Cleantech, Innovation, Export, Capabilities, Market orientation,Stirling engines, Aerosoltrap.