Summary: | Detta är en avhandling om hur elever i en årskurs sex får en större erfarenhet av alternativa prov i jämförelse med traditionella prov i avseende på deras lärande. De fick tre olika prov varav ett var ett traditionellt skriftligt prov, som främst testade deras minneskunskap. De andra två proven var alternativa prov. Eleverna fick sedan besvara en del frågor om hur de upplevde dessa två olika former av prov. Resultatet var blandat, en del elever föredrog det alternativa provet, en del inte. De flesta eleverna trodde dock att de lärde sig mer från de alternativa proven eftersom frågorna var mer öppna och att de då fick möjlighet att tänka ut svaren i ett större sammanhang. === This is an essay about how students in sixth class possess any experience about alternative test in comparison to a traditional assessment considering their learning. During this examination the students received three different examples; the first one was a traditional written test, which mainly tests their memory knowledge. The other two tests were alternative tests. The students had to answer some questions concerning their experience about these two different kinds of tests. The results we got from the study were divergent. Some of the students liked it and some didn’t. But most of the students thought that they learned more from the alternative tests, because the questions in this test were more open, and because of that they had some opportunity to think about the answers in a larger context.