Summary: | The aim for this study is to investigate how entrepreneurial learning can be put in relationto working with technology in preschool. I want to investigate this through two researchquestions. Firstly, the purpose is to clarify what the entrepreneurial learning can mean forthe work in preschool, but also to investigate how a working method with focus ontechnology in preschool can contribute to entrepreneurial learning. The motivation behindthis study was mainly based on Ehrlin, Insulander and Sandbergs (2015a) study wherethey found technology and science as one way of working with the entrepreneuriallearning.The survey, with a qualitative approach, was conducted with the help from a focus groupwith pedagogues working at a preschool with technology and science as a profile. Thegroup met at two occasions and also carried out a task with the children between themeetings. The empirical data is presented based on three categories:- The teaching that children and pedagogues are involved in describes how thepedagogues discusses the organization of the preschool to create opportunities forteaching.- The communication on which the teaching is based on describes the pedagogue’sthoughts about the content of the teaching.- The teaching as a moral action describes the pedagogue’s discussion about theirapproach.These categories are based on the didactic perspective and Säfströms (2000) descriptionof how teaching can be interpreted through this perspective. The result showed that thepedagogues found the description of the entrepreneurial learning as a way of putting theaim of their work into words, mainly considering the preschools profile. However, itshowed in the survey that they experienced difficulties in working with technology inpreschool. The pedagogues raised that this new way of working takes time to implementsince the children isn’t used to solving problems with many possible solutions. In thediscussion it was clear that the pedagogues linked the entrepreneurial abilities to theirown role in the preschool instead of the children’s abilities. Finally, the pedagogues inthis study saw great opportunities with the entrepreneurial learning at their preschool, butalso possibilities to work with the entrepreneurial learning in other subjects.