Summary: | The aim of this study was to examine pictures from the swedish morning newspaper Barometern regarding their publication about the summer drought 2018 on two of theirplatforms; the ordinary printed newspaper and their Instagram account. The purpose of the study was to track down if there were any obvious differences aboutthe pictures that Barometern publishes in their printed newspaper and Instagramaccount. This study was conducted through a quantitative analysis with help of ancoding scheme. A delimitation was made to investigate only the publications during the four summermonths may, june, july and august. This limit was necessary with the reason to give ourstudy a relevant starting point. The result of this essay shows that in the printed version of the newspaper are they morelikely to publish pictures about the summer drought, as in the Instagram account arethey more likely to publish pictures with a positive vibe instead. A another conclusionwith this study is that almost half of the pictures that Barometern published about thesummer drought is manipulated in some way.