Summary: | The number of political parties in Sweden that are identifying themselves as caring for the labour politics and labour workers is increasing. Due to that and the upcoming Swedish parliamentary election in September 2018, I have investigated fulfillment of election pledges within the field of labour politics during two mandate periods seen to four cases. The questions that binds this thesis together is which of the four cases that have fulfilled the highest number and the highest percentage of the studied election pledges, and to what extent, during the mandate periods of 2006 to 2010 and 2014 to the 1st of May 2018. This is being made through a quantitative literature study which applies theory consuming methods of the responsible party model and the rational choice theory. This study concludes that the socialist party, Socialdemokraterna, is the party that have fulfilled and started the highest percentage of the studied election pledges. Seen to the number, the socialist and environmental friendly coalition, de rödgröna, had the highest full fulfillment of pledges. However, the liberal conservative coalition, Alliansen, had the highest number of half fulfilled pledges. They also had the highest number of pledges with no fulfillmet, wherease the environmental friendly party, Miljöpartiet, had the highest percentage of election pledges with no fulfillment.