Summary: | Despite a high rate of failure, the number of new enterprises is risingin Europe. This statistic demonstrates a strong will from many toengage in that path. When creating an activity is not an absolutenecessity to make a living, what can be strong enough to motivatepeople in engaging in a direction that appears to be difficult andhazardous? Passion is considered as an essential quality forentrepreneurs. Authenticity is showered with praise by many as arequirement for good leaders. This thesis investigates the role and evolution of authenticity andpassion during an entrepreneurial life. Authenticity is related to selfvalues of an individual, no matter what role s/he is enacting. Passionis arising from within the entrepreneur. It is often associated toentrepreneurs as the ultimate fuel for action. Passion can be both – ablessing and a curse (when turning into obsession). For that reason, itshould be carefully managed. The data were gathered through semi-structured interviews with sevenentrepreneurs. They show that passion for the field of activity is notnecessarily the strongest trigger for a person to take action. Rather thedesire to act in agreement with the self is a strong incentive forentrepreneurship. The entrepreneur’s authenticity becomes the basison which passion can blossom. The research comes to the conclusion that entrepreneurs are embeddedin an environment which influences them (in the way they buildthemselves) and which they can impact as well by choosing, or not, totake action. The Entrepreneurial Action Cycle illustrates this reciprocalimpact and includes the authenticity and passion factor. In that sensethe entrepreneur's authenticity is both: put under external pressureand acting as a light house guiding the entrepreneur on his/her path.