Summary: | This study focuses on comprehending the opportunity recognition process of immigrant entrepreneurs. A qualitative study was designed centering on the research question: how immigrant entrepreneurs recognize entrepreneurial opportunities in Sweden. The study needed to gather life experiences of immigrant entrepreneurs to understand the process thus individuals were selected purposively who are doing business in Sweden coming from another country. The selected immigrants were interviewed using semi-structured interview guides. The data were properly managed, transcribed in verbatim, coded and used for the analysis applying pattern matching techniques. This study identifies that previous knowledge and experiences assist immigrant entrepreneurs to recognize opportunities. Immigrant entrepreneurs have been categorized into four groups based on experiences: immigrants having home experiences tend to recognize similar opportunities in the host country to transfer previous expertise; immigrants gaining host experiences in an industry tend to look for opportunities in the same industry ; immigrants having diversified experiences from home and other countries search for opportunities in innovative fields; immigrants gaining host experiences in one industry recognize opportunities in another industry focusing on problems and needs. Immigrant entrepreneurs rely on short courses, university degree, TV programs, the internet and research for education and learning that in turn guide in recognizing opportunities. Environment factors directly or indirectly assist immigrant entrepreneurs providing information, technical and consultation services, and inspiration. The components of environment factors identified are Almi, Coompanion, Drivhuset, Science parks, Incubator, Nyföretagarcentrum, Island of entrepreneurs, Banks, Social recognition and the Swedish lifestyle. It is also identified that immigrant entrepreneurs take assistance from the social capital consisting of family, friends, customers, suppliers, entrepreneurs (own country and Swedish) in exchanging ideas to recognize opportunities. Immigrant entrepreneurs express that psychological attributes such as self-actualization, self-confidence, risk taking, optimism and creativity complement their strides in this regard. This study identifies that the prepared mind of immigrants assists to detect phenomena from surrounding to turn into entrepreneurial opportunities. This study presents a broader scenario of opportunity recognition process of immigrant entrepreneurs in Sweden. Simultaneously it shows the specific paths of opportunity recognitions with implications of social capital, environment factors, alertness, learning, psychological attributes and social capital in perspective of the experiences of immigrant entrepreneurs.