Summary: | The purpose of this study was to examine how small-scale private forest owners make decisions regarding pre-commercial thinning. In 2015 it is ten years ago since the storm Gudrun hit the southern parts of Sweden and now large areas are in need of pre-commercial thinning. This study is built upon qualitative interviews with seven small-scale private forest owners with forest properties in the county Kronoberg. The respondents were chosen by the model SKOGSÄGARPROFILENTM (forest owner profile). The results of the interviews showed that five categories: ownership, the storm Gudrun´s impact, silviculture, forestry contacts and driving force was important. How will their purpose and aim affect the pre-commercial thinning? Personal interests, and expectations of the next generation to take over, are purposes this study has found. Furthermore, when pre-commercial thinning is not carried out or postponed, the silviculture has got lower priority, and other chores higher priority. Lack of knowledge might be one issue. If so, a contact with someone with this knowledge is important for starting up the pre-commercial thinning. Key words: Gudrun clearing, pre-commercial thinning, personal interest, net of contacts, private forest owners, change-of generation, “forest owner profile”.