Summary: | No matter what subject or which grade you are active in, the teachers in Sweden have incommon that they are provided with governing documents that states the guidelines and goalsregarding each subject. Along with these governing documents every teacher has to findmaterial that will be used as the foundation of the teaching. This thesis is a study of howSwedish history teachers define what material they are going to use in their teaching, andwhich the factors are that is affecting these choices. The question whether a child’s ethnicaland cultural background is a factor that affects this choice of material is concerned, as well aswhat is current in Sweden and the world. In July 2012 Lgr 11 was introduced, and for acouple of years it will be coexisting with Lpo 94. This thesis therefore takes place in a contextwhere there are two curriculums in effect. That gives an opportunity to analyze potentialdifferences these two amongst regarding how the teacher chooses the material to be used intheir history education.