Summary: | Mozambique is a developing country specifically targeted by the impacts and consequencesthat are caused by climate change. This is due to the inconvenient geographical location interms of climate change but also due to their economical and infrastructural disadvantagewhich makes the countries populations more prone to suffer from the consequences in amanner that makes adapting and coping with the circumstances significantly difficult. At the same time Mozambique has high rates of gender inequality, which impacts women inthe country who live in poverty, in unfavourable forms in everyday life.These two topics are investigated throughout the thesis, from both a broader and closerperspective. The idea with this research is to come closer to cover the research gap that isconcerned with how women in Mozambique who are already targets of gender inequality inthe country suffer from the hard impacts of climate change and how the two issues may relateor influence each other. The research is performed as a qualitative study with the ecofeminist theoretical approach asa lens on the investigation, and the findings were obtained through the text-analysis method.The findings of the research present evidence on how climate change affects Mozambiqueand its society as well as the gender inequality circumstances women live in the samecountry. From empirical studies the findings chapter provides a perspective that helps betterexplain and understand how women's vulnerable position in society along with theirexpected responsibilities due to cultural norms sets them in a directly exposed climatechange-affected position. The research culminates with a response to the research gapsuggesting that the relation between climate change and gender inequality in Mozambiquehas an unbalanced impact on women, where the gender roles forced upon women in thecountry set a targeted situation for them by climate change resulting in a double-burdencircumstance for women.