Summary: | The purpose of this study was to investigate whether arrest guards felt that they had different roles in their jobs at the arrest and how these roles were played out. I conducted five semi-structured interviews where all the participants worked in a town in Kronoberg. The material from the interviews was analyzed by means of Erving Goffman's dramaturgical perspective, and Rolf and Simon Granér's theory of norms and rules within a working group and activities as well. The data were categorized into three different themes; Roles of professions, expectations in profession and conflicts. The results of this research provide knowledge about how arrest guards work and act in their roles within the profession in relation to inmates and their colleagues. Keywords: Arrest guard, professional roles, professional expectations, conflicts, colleagues, inmates === Målet med denna uppsats var att undersöka om arrestantvakter upplevde att de hade olika roller på arresten och hur dessa roller utspelade sig. Datainsamlingen införskaffades genom fem semistrukturerade intervjuer där samtliga deltagare arbetade i en ort i Kronoberg. Materialet från intervjuerna analyserades med hjälp av Erving Goffmans dramaturgiska perspektiv, samt Rolf och Simon Granérs teori kring normer och regler inom en arbetsgrupp och verksamhet Datan kategoriserades i tre olika teman; Yrkesroller, yrkesförväntningar samt konflikter. Resultaten i denna studie ger en djupare kunskap om hur arrestantvakter arbetar och agerar i sina roller inom professionen i förhållande till intagna samt kollegor. Nyckelord: Arrestantvakt, yrkesroller, yrkesförväntningar, konflikter, kollegor, intagna