Summary: | The European Border and Coast Guard Agency, also known as Frontex, works with issues related to migration and transnational crime via various practical approaches such as: Multilateral cooperation, border surveillance, and information sharing. By viewing these practical approaches as means of power resources, Frontex's ways in dealing with migration and crime becomes interesting to study. Based on Joseph Nye’s theory on Soft Power, this essay focuses on discovering whether Frontex's approach to migration and transnational crime can be compared to soft or hard means of power - which of these theoretical schools is more prominent, or, are there equal aspects from both schools? Using a discourse analysis, I create themes in order to sort signs of soft power versus signs of hard power more easily in the present text material. Thus, the method regards the interpretation of the EU regulation that forms the textual basis for this study, in order to produce useful concepts that constitutes signs of means of power. The results of this study provides a variety of power resources that are similar to either soft power or hard power, that altogether allows for a nuanced view of Frontex’s activity.