Summary: | With Industry 4.0 on the rise, more sensors and actuators are being introduced to monitor and control physical processes. The increased number of nodes raise the cost of installing and maintaining wired connections, making wireless solutions attractive. However, the most critical applications have requirements too stringent for the currently available wireless standards. One of the main bottlenecks of contemporary networks is communication latency, which is several orders of magnitude away from the requirements. To meet these requirements, a novel wireless protocol called WirelessHP has been created. It features custom-made PHY developed using Model-Based SoftwareDefined radio. This thesis is a continuation of the WirelessHP project, specifically addressing the network's reliability. The work consists of updating the baseband to evaluate different coding schemes and modulation methods, identifying and solving issues in the hardware implementation, and performing experiments to measure the reliability. === Med Industri 4.0 som en vision, installeras fler sensorer och aktuatorer for att overvaka och kontrollera fysiska processer. Det okade antalet noder hojer kostnaden for att installera och underhalla tradbunden uppkoppling, vilket gor tradlos kommunikation mer attraktiv. Dock har de mest kritiska applikationerna krav som inte kan uppnas av dagens tradlosa natverksprotokoll. Speciellt kraven pa lag latens ar dagens natverk langt ifran att uppfylla, de basta natverk vi har idag ar flera storleksordningar ifran kraven. For att uppfylla dessa krav, utvecklas ett nytt tradlost protokoll som kallas WirelessHP. Det baseras pa skraddarsydd PHY som har utvecklats med anvandning av modell-baserad mjukvaru-definerad radio. Detta examensarbete ar en fortsattning pa WirelessHP och arbetar specifikt med att forbattra tillforlitligheten. Arbetet innefattar uppdateringar av basbandet for att utvardera olika kanalkoder och moduleringsmetoder, identifiering och losning av problem i hardvaruimplementationen, och utforande av experiment for att ma.ta tillforlitligheten.