Summary: | Identication systems are ubiquitous, for example, biometric identication systemswith ngerprints and Face IDs, etc. Basically, the identication problemconsists of two steps. The enrollment phase where the user's data are captured,compressed and stored, for example taking the ngerprint or capturing some importantfeatures of your face. In the identication phase, an observation, yourngerprint or your face, is compared with the stored information in the databaseto provide an armative answer. Since the system involves many users, bothstoring and searching for the correct user is challenging.This project aims to implement compression and identication algorithms forthe high dimensional identication system which includes M users. Polar codesare employed to be the main toolbox. Firstly, we implement polar codes for thesource compression and then design corresponding identication mappings. Thesource compression can be seen as the channel decoding of polar codes. In theidentication phase, the observation can be seen as the side information, so wewill consider using Wyner-Ziv coding for polar codes to reconstruct and identify.In the next step, we will implement polar codes for two-layer Wyner-Zivcoding for identication systems. This will enable us to store the compresseddata in separate databases and do the reconstruction in two stages. With theenrollment mapping and identication mapping implemented, we will evaluatethe performance of the designed identication systems, such as identicationerror rate and complexity. Some possible further directions would be to implementmore advanced algorithms such as simplied or fast simplied successivecancellation encoding in source coding and universal decoding in identication. === Identieringssystem frekommer verallt, till exempel, biometriska identieringssystemmed ngeravtryck och ansiktsigenknning, etc. Fundamentalt kan problemetbrytas ned i tv faser. Registreringsfasen dr data om anvndaren insamlas, komprimerasoch lagras, till exempel att ta ngeravtryck eller nna viktiga ansiktsdetaljer.I identieringsfasen, jmfrs en observation, ditt ngeravtryck elleransikte, med information som lagrats tidigare fr att ge ett positivt svar. Eftersomsystemet hanterar mnga anvndare r bde lagring och skning efter den rttaanvndaren utmanande.Syftet med detta projekt r att designa och implementera eektiva komprimeringsochidentieringsalgoritmer fr det hgdimensionella Identieringssystemet medM anvndare. Polar codes anvnds som det huvudsakliga verktyget. Frst implementerarvi polar codes fr eektiv kllkomprimering och designar sedan motsvarandeidentieringskartlggning. Kllkomprimering kan ses som kanalavkodningen avpolar codes och I identieringsfasen kan observationen ses som sido-informationen,s vi vervger att anvnda Wyner-Ziv kodning fr polar codes fr att rekonstrueraoch identiera. I nsta steg implementerar vi polar codes fr skra Wyner-Zivproblem. Detta tillter oss att spara komprimerad data i separata databaser ochterskapa med tv steg. Med registreringskarlggning och identieringskartlggningimplementerade utvrderar vi prestandan av de designade identieringssystemenmed metoder som felfrekvens av identieringar och berkningskomplexitet.