Summary: | The following report is a comparison study of the alternative for the future automobile sector, where the fuels in focus are bioethanol, bio gas, electrical vehicles and hydrogen gas. Through this comparison one or multiple of fuels will be decided to be the better solution for a future without greenhouse emissions. Since transportation one of the major areas of polluting an instant change has to be made sooner than later. The main purpose is to give people an understanding of the fuels and then give simple data to interpret. By comparing the vehicle performances and society integration for each fuel there will be many di erent perspective to analyze and take into consideration. The structure of the comparison is divided into two major sections, one that is based on how the fuels interact with the vehicle. Categories are created within the sections, where Content of Energy tells the potential of energy extraction and Fuel Eciency shows consumption of energy and operational cost. To this category does the WTW expression belong as well for specication of the energy losses. A nal performance category in acceleration gives an indication of how attractive the fuel might be. Following the performance section, the society integration focuses more on the big picture, such as investment cost and convenience. First of all regarding the performance of the fuel, after summarizing the categories Fuel Cell H2 was the number one choice. As the runner-up was the electrical vehicle and worst case was bio gas. Secondly, the society integration based on cost and convenience, the electric vehicle had an estimated investment cost of 41,300 MSEK to supply Sweden. To combine these two major areas the conclusion leads to an announcement of EV:s as the best option out of the studied. As a consequence of the simplicity to use electric power without any direct emissions from the vehicle itself, the EV:s are the most convenient vehicle eet to establish. This would be with conditions that are based on today's advances in technology and knowledge about possible developments over time. The conclusion is open for the unknown and eventually correct itself to upcoming fuels. But as for now, the important part of this discussion is to make a move away from the gasoline-dependent society and give the future generations better conditions. === Foljande rapport ar en jamforelsestudie av alternativa branslen for framtidens fordonsindustri, dar de inblandade branslena ar bioetanol, biogas, eldrift och vatgas. Med denna jamforelse ska ett eller era branslen beslutas vara det mer lovande till en framtid fritt fran vaxthusgaser. Eftersom transportsektorn har en stor bidragande faktor till global fororening behovs en forandring goras inom en snar framtid. Huvudstyftet med denna rapport ar att ge folk en generell overblick av vilka branslen som nns tillgangliga och hur de star sig mot varandra. Mer i detalj kommer bilars prestanda och samhallsintegrering att jamforas for varje bransle, for att sedan analyseras. Som namnt ovan kommer jamforelsen vara indelad i tva sektioner, en dar prestandan mats och en hur enklet en etablering av branslet i samhallet skulle var. For prestanda kommer delarna att vara energiinnehallet av branslet och bransleforbrukning for bilen, dar tillhorande kategorin WTW anvands for mer specikation av energiforluster. Till sist en kategori som jamfors de olika branslenas acceleration. Pa andra sidan jamforelsen kommer samhallsintegreringen bestammas av etableringskostnad och omstallningsmojlighet. Efter att ha gatt igenom alla kategorier tillhorande prestanda ar det branslecellsbil med vatgas som presterar bast. Nast bast blir den elektiska bilen och samst blir biogasbranslet. Gallande fallet for kostnad och smidighet av samhallsetablering blir det ett klart overtag for eldrivna bilar. En total kostnad pa 41,300 MSK skulle kravas for fullsklaig forseelse i Sverige. For att sedan sammanstalla det slutgiltiga beslutet fran jamforelsen eldrift av fordonsottan skulle vara det basta alternativet. Det slutgiltiga beslutet baseras pa den tills idag kanda teklonogin och utvecklingen utav denna. Sjalvklart star slutsatsen oppen for uppkommande branslen som inte i dagslaget har etablerats eller visat likvardig potential. Huvudmalet med hela diskussionen ar att ta nagra steg ifran det besninsamhalle som vi lever i idag och pa sa vis ge framtida generationer battre forutsattningar.