Summary: | The focus of this thesis is the modeling of cooperative predators hunting ocks of animals. The modeling is based on biological studies of the behavior of speci c predators and their preys, lions and zebras for this case. General rules are established in order to model the overall hunting and escape strategies, with a focus on the former. The dynamics of the predator during the hunt are modeled using the unicycle model applied locally, i.e., applied to each agent. The cooperation is taken into account by considering the system as a multi-agent system. Subsequently, a computer simulation based on the mathematical models is constructed and numerous simulations performed. The results from the simulations are then compared to biological studies in order to assess the validity of the model. Keywords: Multi-agent, unicycle model, mathematical modeling, cooperative predator dynamics, bio-mimicry === Huvudsyftet med den har uppsatsen ar att modellera samarbetande rovdjur i jakten efter bytesdjur. Modellen baseras pa biologiska studier av sarskilda rovdjur och deras bytesdjur, mer speci kt, lejon och zebror. Baserat pa dessa fakta skapas generella regler for att kunna beskriva beteenden vid jakt och ykt, med fokus pa det forstnamnda. Systemet behandlas som ett multi-agent system darfor och generaliseras sedan systemet ar ett multi-agent system och dynamiken hos det enskilda rovdjuret beskrivs med hjalp av en unicycle model som appliceras lokalt. Vidare gors en datorsimulering baserad pa denna matematiska model. Resultaten fran simuleringarna jamfors sedan med biologiska studier, for att utvardera modellens giltighet. Nyckelord: Multi-agent, unicycle model, matematisk modellering, bio-mimicry