Summary: | Titel: Hur engageras medarbetare i ledningens vision? En studie inom intern kommunikation. Nyckelord: Internal communication, hierarchical communication, corporate communication, organizational communication, sensemaking, employee engagement, message distortion Syfte: Skapa ökad förståelse för hur en ledning, via sin interna kommunikation, kan öka medarbetarnas engagemang. Metod: Studien har utförts med en kvalitativ ansats där data samlats in via intervjuer med tretton respondenter fördelade på ledningsgrupp, enhetschefer, gruppchefer och medarbetare. Bidrag: Genom praktisk tillämpning av en teoretisk modell (Welch & Jackson 2007) har en visions väg genom en organisation granskats. Aktiviteter har identifierats vilka kan förklara graden av engagemang samt hur väl visionen förankrats på medarbearnivå. Originalitet: Intervjuerna är utförda på samtliga nivåer i en hierarkisk organisation. Studien täcker således mer än en nivås perspektiv på den interna kommunikationen. === Title: How do employees become engaged in the top management ́s vision? A study within internal communication. Key words: Internal communication, hierarchical communication, corporate communication, organizational communication, sensemaking, employee engagement, message distortion Purpose: To increase the understanding of how a management, through the use of internal communication, can increase the employees’ engagement. Method: The study has been conducted with a qualitative approach. Data has been assembled through 13 interviews with top management, unit managers, group managers, and employees. Contributions: By practical application of a theoretical model (Welch & Jackson 2007), a vision's path through an organization has been reviewed. Activities have been identified that can explain the level of engagement and how well the vision has anchored on employee level. Originality: The interviews have been conducted on all levels of a hierarchical organization. Therefore, the study covers more than one group’s perspective on the internal communication.