Summary: | This Bachelor thesisis a comparison of two different concrete forms viewed from a sustainable perspective by using a Multi Criteria Decision Making(MCDM)method. Sustainability is a broad concept, often degraded in threepartswhich are financial-,environmental-and socialsustainability. This Bachelor thesisstrives to determine what sustainability is when it comes to monolithic concrete casting in Sweden. In this Bachelor thesissustainabilityhas been degraded in threeparts, financial-,environmental-and work environmental sustainability.Although,the two different forms fill the same function, they differ in many areas. The first one, TRIO,is made of steel and plywoodand is heavy, loud, with a big area and in need of a crane to be able toassemblethe form. The second one, DUO,is made from the composite materialPolytech and isalmost soundless, with a smaller area and lightweight tobe able to be used without crane. The purpose of the MCDM-methodis to create a tool with the purpose of facilitating the choice of concrete forms for monolithic casting while taking sustainability into account. The tool is to ease the decision in building production for both the contractor and for designers. The Bachelor thesisis a case study with both qualitative and quantitative methods.To make a fair comparison between the two forms in this Bachelor thesis,a fictitious project is created toevaluate different criteria for sustainability in design and production. This is doneunder the same premises to be able to obtain an equivalent result.In the fictitious project it turned out that TRIO was the best choice from work environment and economic sustainability, from environmental sustainability it turned out that DUO was the best. Furthermore, it has been difficult to obtain full validity in the MCDM method, all criteria have not been fulfilled inthe environmental field. The environmental area has been the most difficult to investigate and to obtain relevant data in.MCDM has good opportunities to provide great benefit if there were more standardized data to put into it. In this work, very much work was done for a small result.