Summary: | Sweden is working on increasing the share of wind energy, but it comes along with many challenges,one of those challenges is the uncertainty of the wind power; CHP could be an option for betterutilizing of wind power by adapting the power to heat ratio according to wind energy fluctuation.The potential for utilizing installed wind energy in Sweden using CHP plant has been studied. A CHPplant installed in the South of Sweden was considered as studied case. To match the heat andelectricity demand requested by the region with the output from the CHP plant two scenarios weresimulated. Results showed that 5.3 MW of installed wind energy in Sweden could be adjusted andset to a level of 73.6 MW if the CHP plant alone were to cover the heat demand, and 25.4 MW ofinstalled wind power in Sweden could be adjusted and set to a level of 54.2 MW with an additionalheat supply of 8 MW in the studied case.