Summary: | This report describes the development of a drink mixing machine and the developmentof an application to control it. The aim of the project is to see whether a cheaper andmore modular product can be produced than similar products currently on the market.The goal was to develop a working prototype, and based on it decide whether a productcan be produced with a material cost of less than 5000 SEK.We wanted to make a drink mixing machine which diers from similar products in thesense that it must be cheap enough to be attractive to both companies and individuals.It shall also distinguish itself by being modular, ie, not sit together using a large frame.This because it provides a greater opportunity to adapt to small areas. You can alsohang it on the wall to save as much space as possible.An application is designed to function as a user interface to the machine. The applicationcan run on Android and PC, but can only communicate wirelessly from a PC. Everythingin the applikation is compatible with Android, except for the communication.It was found that some form of database needed, and a local database was chosen becauseit does not need Internet access.The prototype is complete to the extent that the application can specify the drink to bemade, and a carriage then moves to the right position for the right amount of time. Thevalves have due to lack of time not been implemented, and is therefor simulated withLEDs.Conclusions from this work is that it is possible to make a product under the component-kost of 5000 SEK. === Denna rapport beskriver framtagningen av en drinkblandarmaskin samt utvecklingen aven applikation for att styra den. Syftet med projektetar att se om en billigare och mermodular produkt kan tas framan de liknande produkterna som idag nns pa marknaden.Malet var att ta fram en fungerande prototyp, och utifran den berakna om en produktkan tas fram med en materialkostnad pa under 5000 kr.Vi ville gora en drinkblandarmaskin som skiljer sig mot liknande produkter i det av-seende att den ska vara tillrackligt billig for att vara attraktiv for saval foretag somprivatpersoner. Den skaaven utmarka sig genom att vara modulart uppbyggd, d.v.s.inte sitta ihop med hjalp av ett stort ramverk. Detta eftersom det ger storre mojlighetatt anpassa den till sma ytor. Det garaven att hanga den upp pa vaggen for att sparapa sa mycket utrymme som mojligt.En applikationar framtagen for att fungera som anvandargranssnitt mot maskinen.Applikationen kan koras pa Android och PC, men kan endast kommunicera tradlost franen PC. Allt i applikationenar kompatibelt med android, utom just kommunikationen.Det konstaterades att nagon form av databas behovdes, och en lokal databas valdes pagrund av att det da ej kravs internetatkomst.Prototypenar klar till den grad att man i applikationen kan ange vilken drink som skagoras, och en vagn kor da till ratt position i ratt tid. Ventilerna har pa grund av tidsbristinte hunnits fa fungerande, och de simuleras darfor av lysdioder.Slutsatser fran detta arbetear att detar mojligt att gora en produkt under 5000 kr.