Summary: | Aim The aim of this paper was to investigate if there is sufficient evidence that core strengthening/ strength effects on sport performance in a positive way through an analysis of the scientific literature up to date. Method The articles analysed in this paper were gathered through a search of the databases SportDiscus and PubMed carried out between 02.12.11 and 13.12.11. The search words chosen were, abdominal strength, athletic performance AND core, core training, core training AND efficacy, core stability AND athletic function, core AND athlete, trunk stability, trunk stability AND effect. As a complement to the database research, articles were included that could be found in the reference lists from incorporated articles. After an evaluation through exclusion and inclusion criteria, in total 16 articles were included. Descriptive articles and intervention studies were presented separately. Results Five of the 16 articles were descriptive studies and 9 intervention studies.While most studies showed no association between core strength/stability and sports related performance or benefit from core training, adding core training to a program was beneficial for throwing and striking skills in five studies. Core strength/stability was assessed in many different ways and there is no consensus in the literature today regarding valid tests or the very definition of core strength and stability. Conclusions The limited quality and number of studies on the relationship between core strength/stability and sport performance makes it hard to draw any clear conclusion. Although some support was found to substantiate that core strengthening might positively affect throwing and striking skills. Most core stability measurements focused on muscle endurance while sport performance, more likely, demands power and explosive core stability. More research is needed with different subject groups and more sport specific core strength tests before conclusions can be drawn.