Summary: | The relationship between moral commitment and marital stability is examined within
Johnson's (1991) commitment framework using two religious populations. Beliefs and internal
factors are emphasized over external constraints and barriers. Johnson's model of commitment
is discussed and modified to incorporate beliefs and Johnson's construct of moral commitment
assumes central importance in the study. Moral commitment is hypothesized to directly effect
marital stability, and moderate the effects of personal and structural commitment on stability.
Self-administered questionnaires are distributed to two Brethren churches (fundamentalist) and
two United churches (liberal). These Protestant churches are matched by geographic location to
control for ethnic and economic differences. Sixty-three participants return the 10-page survey.
Bivariate and multivariate analyses are performed on the variables in the commitment model
using logistic and multiple regression. The results indicate that both beliefs and moral
commitment are significant factors in the study of marital stability. Moral commitment was
related to both structural and personal commitment. Despite there being no direct effect
between moral commitment and marital stability, moral commitment is related to the other
factors of personal and structural commitment which are in turn related to marital stability.
Moral commitment did not moderate the effects of personal and structural commitment on
marital stability. The results also suggest that gender is an important control variable in
commitment theory, with respect to religious populations. Religious beliefs were highly
correlated with moral commitment. The age distribution of the participants and small sample
size were among the limitations that prevent generalizability of the results to other religious
populations. Limited variation in the marital stability scores may have restricted the number
and strength of significant findings. It is suggested that future research include both religious
and non-religious groups in the study of beliefs as they related to marital stability. === Land and Food Systems, Faculty of === Graduate