Summary: | For me, the path is now clear—release the deep intuitive feeling first
and then reflect and respond through intelligence and internal
This thesis of creative scholarship is about process, permission, and original
voice. I have used intuitive music, poetry, and narrative to create a multi-faceted
tapestry that exposes my life roles, my feelings, my values, and the grayer, in-
between areas of knowing, teaching, and learning. This process of rediscovery and
reclamation of voice has been one of artistically giving myself permission to break
through my personal masks and roles as well as transcend cultural paradigms to
locate myself.
The methodology of A/r/tography (Springgay, S., Irwin, R.L., Wilson Kind, S.
2005) was chosen as a path to make sense of multi-storied archetypes and multilayered
avenues of artistic expression. This process is rendered through concepts of
excess, metaphor, openings, contiguity, metonymy, living inquiry, and
reverberations. Renderings enable artists, teachers and researchers to interrogate
the interstitial spaces between things, for example image and work, text and
audience, researching, pedagogy and artmaking (Springgay, S., Irwin, R.L., Wilson Kind, S. 2005).
The artistic explorations and consequent renderings of revelation and
reflection of this ontological exploration can be loosely grouped into seven major
Personal Context and Context formation
Issues with the prevailing culture
New beginnings
(The importance of) Artistic/Transcendent/Arational spaces
Reflections and intimate looks into the form and function of educational landscape.
The writing and music were then analyzed in light of who I am and what I
know. Results consisted of a number of conceptual strides forward in both my
artistic vision and my teaching. Overall, a/r/tography enabled me to gain deeper
autobiographical understandings about issues that have shaped my view of the
world. From music, poetic and narrative renderings, I learned valuable insights
about the real me. I discovered a multilayered individual inside who became reenergized
and revitalized about finding my inner voice. From a/r/tographic
renderings, I analyzed and reflected on what I learned and unlearned. Though
there were resolutions, there were also new directions as I explored intuition,
broke boundaries and reclaimed voice. I sculpted and embraced stories behind
stories about myself. The notion of hero surfaced while regrets brought new
narratives. Who am I? I am artist, teacher, guitar player, and a/r/tographer. === Education, Faculty of === Curriculum and Pedagogy (EDCP), Department of === Graduate