Summary: | Current sport policies in many developed countries are often dominated by neo-liberal
ideologies, encompassing elite-based conceptions of sport focusing on values such as
individualism and performance in lieu of participation and community development (Donnelly &
Kidd, 2003; Frisby, Reid & Ponic, 2006). Sport for development (SFD) is concerned with,
reducing social, economic, and health disparities while focusing on a sport that is available and
accessible to all (SDP IWG, 2006). Sport for development non-governmental organizations (SFD
NGOs) are trying to change contemporary focuses of sport around the world to encompass these
concerns, especially through sport policy influence (Right To Play, 2004b). Recent studies have
indicated that influencing policy is one of the major functions of NGO activity (e.g. Betsill &
Corell, 2001). This research aimed to reveal key issues pertaining to sport for development
theory and policy influence using an interorganizational theory lens.
The purpose was to conduct two case studies of how Canadian and Swiss SFD NGOs
attempted to place SFD on the policy agendas of their key national sport partners. The specific
research questions were: i) What do Swiss and Canadian SFD NGOs see as their key policy
imperatives? ii) Who do they see as their key national sport partners? iii) What strategies are
SFD NGOs using to promote SFD to these key national sport partners and what is the nature of
these partnerships? iv)What role does the presence of the SFD NGOs in the International
Platform on Sport and Development Network (IPSDN) play in their ability/inability to place
SFD on the policy agendas of these key sport partners?
Qualitative research methods were used, including document analysis and interviews, as
these data collection strategies were consistent with a case study research approach (Creswell,
1998). A content analysis of websites used to display information about both Swiss and
Canadian SFD NGOs and key documents were analysed, including annual reports, mission
statements and policy documents. From each of the two SFD NGOs, 4 key staff members (one
staff member twice) were interviewed.
My findings revealed there is a need for a coherent SFD policy to be developed in both
Switzerland and Canada, and more concrete policy procedures are required to guide partnerships
between elite-based sport organizations and SFD NGOs. Personal connections between SFD
NGOs and their key national sport partners.contributed to the ability of the former to influence
the policy agendas of the latter. Competition and collaboration existed within the IPSDN that
both enhanced and constrained the ability of SFD NGOs to influence their key national sport
This study contributed to understandings of: i) how interorganizational theories are useful
in drawing attention to the underlying relationships between and amongst SFD NGOs and their
partners, and of ii) how these relationships are able to shape and articulate unified or
disconnected policy concerns. Future research in this area might examine how partnerships and
networks can work more towards enhancing the ability of citizens to influence and contribute to
sport policy formation. === Education, Faculty of === Kinesiology, School of === Graduate