Summary: | An experimental programme was established to study the effect of process parameters on the
agglomeration behaviour of particles within a fluidized bed zinc concentrate roaster. A 102 mm
internal diameter pilot scale roaster was designed, constructed and commissioned. Tests were
then conducted with two industrial zinc concentrates at different temperatures (875-975C),
superficial gas velocities (0.25-0.5 m/s), oxygen enrichments (inlet oxygen concentration: 21-30
vol%), stoichiometric excess oxygen (0-80%), initial inert bed materials (silica and alumina)
and average bed particle sizes (81-223μm).
With the exception of one experiment, all experiments were carried out with a zinc concentrate
containing 53-54 wt% Zn, 30.5-31 wt% S, 4.5 wt% Fe, 3.5 wt% Pb, 0.34 wt% Cd, 0.145 wt%
Cu, and 1.5 wt% SO4/S, with 80% of particles smaller than 24 pm. One experiment tested a
different zinc concentrate, containing 51 wt% Zn, 30 wt% S, 8.1 wt% Fe, 4.7 wt% Pb, 0.14 wt%
Cd, 0.05 wt% Cu, 1.5 wt% SO4/S, with 80% of particles smaller than 33μm.
The experimental results indicated that the temperature and excess oxygen had the greatest
effect, followed by bed material, its size distribution and the superficial gas velocity. Agglomeration
increased when excess oxygen approached 0%. Lead, present in small proportion in the
concentrate (3.5 wt%Pb), was observed to segregate to the larger bed particles. Lead sulfide
volatilized from the zinc concentrate and deposited as a lead oxide/sulfate melt onto inert bed
particles which caused fine particles to stick to the surface of larger particles. The lead concentration
in the agglomerated particles suggested that the agglomeration mechanism, similar to
the coating mechanism, relies on the transport of lead species from reacting particles to inert
The generalized slugging-bubbling fluidized bed reactor model (GSBM) handled seamlessly the
transition from bubbling to slugging fluidization, using probabilistic averaging. The ratio of
the bubble diameter to the column diameter was employed to correlate the probability of each
of these fluidization flow regimes. The generalized fluidized bed reactor model was coupled to
a solids reaction model and used to evaluate the effect of roasting parameters on the oxygen
concentration in contact with the particles.
Modelling of the fluidized bed under industrial (bubbling) and laboratory (slugging) conditions
indicated that the effect of various parameters on the particle-averaged oxygen concentration
depended greatly on the reactor in question (industrial vs laboratory). For the laboratory
roaster, the effect of particle size was negligible, while the effect of excess oxygen was significant.
For the industrial roaster, the effect of excess oxygen depended on the average particle size. For
a relatively large average bed particle size (150 μm), the effect of excess oxygen was limited.
For a small average bed particle size (65 μm), the effect of excess oxygen was large, comparable
to that in the laboratory roaster. === Applied Science, Faculty of === Chemical and Biological Engineering, Department of === Graduate