Summary: | Furnace Atomization Plasma Excitation Spectrometry (FAPES) is a relatively new
atomic emission spectrochemical method which employs a conventional graphite furnace for
analyte atomization and an atmospheric-pressure helium plasma sustained inside the furnace
for analyte excitation. The generation of the plasma is achieved by applying radio frequency
(rf) power to an electrode located inside, and coaxial with, the graphite furnace. The primary
objective of this thesis was to characterize the fundamental properties of the plasma, study
analyte excitation and ionization processes, and seek ways to improve analyte ionization
Background emission characteristics have been observed in a new FAPES source, and
temporally resolved emission profiles of background species (He, N₂⁺, OH and CO⁺) have
been measured. The ionization mechanisms of major background species are also discussed.
Plasma temperatures have been measured in order to characterize the helium plasma. During
an atomization cycle, rotational temperatures for N₂⁺ and OH at 40 W have been found to be
1300 K and 1400 K, respectively, and the excitation temperature for He at 40 W is about
3600 K. Plasma temperatures can be substantially affected by plasma operating conditions.
Thus, the effects of conditions such as rf power, gas flow rate, atomization temperature and
the dimensions of the center electrode on plasma temperatures and analyte ionization were
The temporal atomic and ionic emission behaviors of Cr, Mg, Cd, Fe and Zn have
been measured, and analyte atomization mechanisms have been proposed based on the
measurements. The effects of operating conditions on analyte ionization have been studied,
and an appropriate atomization temperature was found for optimum analyte ionization. An optimum gas flow rate can also maximize analyte ionization. Compared with a "continuousflow"
mode, a "stop-flow" mode can improve analytical sensitivity. Increasing rf power was
found to be the best way to achieve a high degree of ionization. A variety of center electrodes
with different physical dimensions were used to modify the FAPES source in an effort to
improve the ionization capability. However, the larger electrode size acted to reduce the
voltage drop across the plasma sheath compromising the analytical performance.
The effects of varying the counter ion (MgCl₂, MgO, MgNO₃ and MgSO₄ ) on Mg
atomization, excitation, and ionization were studied, and it was found that these compounds
exhibit different atomization mechanisms. It was also observed that Mg ionization in the
FAPES source could be improved by the addition of a minute amount of Pd modifier.
Figures of merit for magnesium demonstrate improved analytical performance for this
new FAPES source. An ionization temperature of about 7000 K at 80 W rf power level was
measured. The calculation of electron number densities in the FAPES source shows that in
addition to helium ionization, secondary electron emission and thermal or thermionic
electron emission from the graphite walls and center electrode inside the source also
contribute to the total electron number density. === Science, Faculty of === Chemistry, Department of === Graduate