Summary: | The field of outdoor education offers noble aims of making improvements in people's lives
for the ultimate betterment of society (Hahn in Cousins, 2000). Yet, despite these lofty
aims there is a general lack of clarity as to exactly what outcomes outdoor education is
capable of achieving and by what processes these outcomes might be achieved.
Drawing on personal experience and a review of the literature, a program design model is
used to collate data in four areas: personal/interpersonal development; environmental
awareness, ethics and stewardship; academic improvement; and the acquisition of outdoor
skills and physical fitness. An analysis of this data provides program recommendations and
suggestions for implementation.
Specifically, this thesis examines the possibility of using the findings from theory and
personal experience to inform the design of the Discovery 10 program at St. George's
School. A number of factors relating to the transferability of findings to other programs are
also considered. === Education, Faculty of === Curriculum and Pedagogy (EDCP), Department of === Graduate