Summary: | The Body Knowing: A Visual Art Installation as Educational Research brings
together theory, written text and artwork, as reticule. The network of intricately woven
fragments between the visual art representation and the written artifact provide multiple
opportunities to understand new insights and interpret ideas that are often in conflict with
each other, creating a place of tension and disorientation. The visual artwork illuminates
through absence, what could not be represented through traditional modes of scholarship
and the written form.
As an artist and a scholar my thesis inquiry addresses two distinct but related
research areas: 1) It creates a theoretical framework for the enactment of visual art as a
scholarly way of knowing and the representation of educational research as an art form;
and 2) It examines the body and art making as sites of agency and social change. The
artwork and text presented in this thesis intend to challenge presumptions and
methodological criteria governing knowledges, by examining the body and the role the
body plays in the production and evaluation of knowledge. === Education, Faculty of === Curriculum and Pedagogy (EDCP), Department of === Graduate