Summary: | Anime (Japanese Animation) is an example of transmission of a postmodern popular
culture artefact. As such, it is subject to a number of influences that shape what is
transmitted, how it is transmitted, and to whom it is transmitted. These influences are
both specific to anime and the result of more general cultural trends and preferences.
By developing a system of ideal types based on the characteristics of anime
transmission, it becomes possible to examine the phenomenon of transmission in some
detail. Through analysis of anime titles, anime fan websites and magazines, and
interviews, transmission and reception can be gauged.
This in-depth examination of the contents and themes of anime provides insight into the
needs and desires of the North American audiences for anime. By examining the
imagery and narratives that have developed around gender, technology, and other
thematic and cultural indicators, the audience's preferences may become
By understanding the role that anime plays for these audiences, it is possible to identify
the rationales that drive this form of cultural transmission. Once this is done, it is
possible to extrapolate from anime to other cultural artefacts in order to gain a better
understanding of postmodern cultural transmission in general. === Arts, Faculty of === Anthropology, Department of === Graduate