Summary: | In the First part of this thesis I look at the Algebraic Method which is a very
straightforward technique. The idea behind the Algebraic Method is to generate
all the states of a quantum system beginning with a well defined base state,
generally the lowest energy state, through successive application of a creation
operator (also known as a raising operator) which modifies the lowest energy
state in such a fashion as to then characterize the rest of the spectrum of the
system. The lowest energy state is defined as the state that is annihilated by the
annihilation operator (also known as the lowering operator). Several examples
of the Algebraic technique are presented including Landau Levels.
In the Second part of this thesis I look at several examples of Unitary Similarity
Transformations and how they can be used to simplify Hamiltonians describing
quantum systems. Examples of the Similarity Transformation Method
discussed in this thesis include a method to determine the ground state eigen-function
using a generating function, Electron-Spin Resonance, the Foldy and
Wouthuysen Transformation and an approach first proposed by Wentzel and
applied by Schwinger to describe the non-relativistic interaction of an electron
with a field. Schwinger used this approach to solve for the Lamb shift of the
electron in a central coulombic potential.
In the Third Part of this thesis I look at the Bogoliubov Transformation
which can be used for Diagonalizing a Quadratic Bosonic Hamiltonian.
In the Fourth Part I describe the coupling between a non-relativistic system
of oscillators coupled linearly to a scalar field in ordinary Euclidean 3-space.
From a physical point of view we give a nonperturbative treatment to the oscillator
radiation introducing some coordinates that permit us to divide the
coupled system into two parts, the "dressed" oscillator and the field. I also look
at how one can describe transitions due to a forcing function.
The first four sections of this thesis build up the mathematical tools, namely
the Algebraic Method, the Bogoliubov transformation and the "dressed" oscillator
approach, for Part Five in which I look at uniform acceleration n Rindler
space, particle creation in two simple models of a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker
Universe, as well as a hypothesis that Gravity is an Induced Quantum Effect. === Science, Faculty of === Physics and Astronomy, Department of === Graduate