Summary: | 碩士 === 國立成功大學 === 老年學研究所 === 104 === The study focused on the correlation between social capital and happiness, and an international comparison across three generation groups. This study used hierarchical linear modeling to exam the cross-level effects of personal and national variables on the happiness in three different age groups (young, middle-aged, elderly) in 30 countries. Samples (n = 49,504) were recruited from the International Social Survey (ISSP). The results showed that first, of the 30 countries, there was a significant difference in the happiness level of the three age groups in 25 of these countries. The elderly’s happiness was the lowest out of the three age groups in 20 of the countries. Second, the elderly’s happiness was explained the most by national factors, about 14% of variance in the three age groups. Third, there was a significant positive correlation that between social capital in the national level and the elderly’s happiness. Fourth, social capital acted as a buffer against the adverse effects of urbanization on the happiness of the elderly.