Summary: | 博士 === 中國文化大學 === 中山與中國大陸研究所中山學術組 === 100 === Nursery service have development for a long time, for parents of infants and young children under the age of three, nanny is the main caregiver except their mother and families. Nanny is the most popular choice of nursery services, regardless of the supply or demand side. It’s also the conductive service to children under age three, comparing to the institutional care. There’s benefit for children to get more attention, more opportunities for interaction, and more social and behavioral relations due to the nanny only care less children. Therefore, the importance and demand of the childcare services is ever increasing, and the service quality is also important.
With the lift in women's labor force participation rate and the social change of the low birth rate and family structure derived different childcare needs. The Children's Bureau of the Ministry of the Interior committed to develop community-based child care service network and professional family child care to meet the needs of parents so that the children receive proper care and the parents and nannies get appropriate support and assistance.
The government in Taiwan dedicated in providing friendly child care policy in recent years. In March of year 2000, the Children's Bureau, Ministry of the Interior instructed bureau of social affairs of district government commission non-government organizations to set up "" to match services for parents and nannies. It also aimed to enhance the interests and specialization of nanny.
This study attempts to understand the current status and implementation of "community nursery service system" which constructed the family child care service delivery process. The researcher adopted qualitative methods, including the literature analysis, focus groups and cross-country comparisons as the data collection and analysis. Through the analysis of management of nanny system in Sweden, Britain and Japan, and explore the community nursery service system of national policies in Taiwan, this study try to response the problems and risks of child care that response to social change in phase. The findings and recommendations of this study are described as follow.
I.research findings
a.The cross-country comparative analysis of nanny system management in Sweden, Britain and Japan
The nursery service system of Sweden, a social-democratic country, is flexibility. She has public child care nanny as her major feature. The British, a liberal regime, takes the compulsory registration nursery service system and the Non-contractual care service is not allowed. Nanny should have national certification (NEEB) or trained in professional courses (CACHE) and the licenses’ valid for expired are not limited and they could certificated by multi-way. Japan and Taiwan are similar in culture and all belong to East Asian model country. In Japan, the nanny’s gender and age are restricted, though the certification is not strongly required but the nanny still should obey the requirement of national qualification rule. After that, the nannies could enroll for providing nursery services with transparent fee system.
b. The analysis of focus group
i) The nursery service systems applaud by nannies and parents due to the system help them a lot. The nannies demand for more training, matching efficiency, and allowance of child care.
ii) The district governments revise the implementation rules. Taipei city government rigorously execute the family nursery implementation rule due to the nursery service systems in capital district are relatively stable in operation and local government play the role of governor and supervisor substantially.
iii) The dilemmas of nursery service system’s transition.
a)The loading of nursery service system increased because the worker expected to visit nannies who apply for the registration institution of family caregiver.
b)The manage mechanism of registration institution of family caregiver. The agencies of nursery service system and nannies suggested managing by district, if there’s more nannies in the same system, the agency could apply for extra resources. Besides, the qualification, training and certification of caregivers, the service quality of systems, the numbers and age of children in care, and the aid for nursery service are the concerns from nannies. The local government should held some pilot institution preparing for the autonomy management of nursery service system in the future.
II.Suggestions from this study
a.the supply and demand of policy
i)To encourage nannies developing multiple care services and empower them to provide care services for special need families.
ii)To integrate social welfare information system, and help needy group easy getting information.
b.the execution of policy
i)To train the professional supervisors of family nursery service and guarantee the remuneration.
ii)To enhance the parental supplement and construct the community based nursery service resource center.
iii)To plan the following manage mechanism of evaluation and supervision and encourage the interaction.
c.the planning of policy
i)To ensure the position of national child care policy and deliberate the developmental goals and contents.
ii)To adjust the division of work and function flexibly between local government and nursery service system in considering different characters of districts.
iii)To deliberate consummative governor and consultant mechanism of child care services in the basis of Child and Youth Welfare and Protection Act.
To sum up above, Taiwan is still in toddler stage comparing to western countries who have more experience in promoting family nursery services. In terms of the low birth rate, the academic should pay more attention and resources on researches of infants and young children. Again, this study suggest the government might encourage the academic to produce more researches and construct long-term database in order to develop the characteristic of Taiwan.