Summary: | 碩士 === 國立臺灣大學 === 高階公共管理組 === 100 === Due to HIV prevalence increase significant by IDU in 2006, HIV spread by IDU is 72% of total HIV case diagnosed in 2006. CDC, DOH started to IDU harm reduction pilot program in 2005, and formally starts IDU harm reduction program in 2006. HIV spread route by IDU had been significant controlled until 2011. Because executed Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program (MMT) that had been argued for years, the medical professionals who deal with the heroin addicts have more method to resolve the problem of heroin addicts.
The purpose of this study discuss the problems and related solutions about heroin addicts, policy and practicability, the efficancy of MMT in Taiwan, argument and related policy making, policy reality. Collect related data by literatures review, websie information, government document, compared with the past related experience. The result of this study release, because of MMT program, the spread of HIV by IDU has been significant controlled. The life quality, economic status aslo improve in heroin addicts. Analysis of datas from Ministry of Justice, the amount of firt degree illlicit drugs and presecuted due to use first degree illict drugs decreases gradually in recent years. In datat analysis from datatbae system from CDC, two different methods results are different significant in attendence rate on addicts in MMT program.
It is recommended that related authority should collect the correct data since MMT lauch from all instutions that executed MMT program becaue new MIS applied. Data transfomationfrom old MIS to new MIS correctly is also suggested. Finally, ajusting new MIS gradually according to response to users is aslo should be done.