Summary: | 碩士 === 高雄師範大學 === 教育學系 === 98 === The purpose of the study is to look into (1)the job stress of primary school in Kaohsiung City, the stress solution strategy and their attitude of retirement,(2) the comparative discrepancies in the above-mentioned three aspects in background
variables, and(3) the correlations among their stress and stress solution, and retirement attitude, and(4) analysis their stress and stress solution to predict their retirement attitude. After all, based on the conclusions from the literature review and survey data, the research addresses some suggestions, so as to help teachers to check their job stress correctly during the education reform, for the effective stress solution, as well as to improve the effectiveness of teaching, counsesling and administration, also to improve the professional skills, and to reduce the work burden effectively, and to increased the education efficiency in primary school in Kaohsiung City.
The study uses the questionnaire based on the random-sample approach. The questionnaire subjects are selected from all the qualified teachers of the public primary schools in Kaohsiung City, and the fifty one schools’ samples are based on the school’s scale and area, and the 683 teachers’ samples are chosen from the school’s scale. The tool of the study is the questionnaire on the job stress of primary school in Kaohsiung City, the stress solution strategy and their attitude of retirement, which has been designed by the writer. SPSS, a software of social science statistics, is applied to the gathered data to item analysis, factor analysis, confidence level analysis, conduct t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and stepwise regression analysis, so as to testify the thesis.
The design and its application in the study lead to the following significant
1.The consciousness of the job stress of teachers in primary school in Kaohsiung City belongs to medium degree, and the consciousness of the job stress of working load is the highest, next is in order “the class and grade teaching”, “the student behavior”, “the administrative influence”, “the specialized not eligibility feeling.”
2.The job stress solution strategy of teachers in primary school in Kaohsiung City belongs to on degree use frequency, by “solves the problem” in accordance to the frequency of use is highest, next is in order “seeks the support”, “the self-adjustment.”
3.The consciousness of the retirement attitude of teachers in primary school in Kaohsiung City belongs to on degree, and tends to be positive, and consciousness is highest by “ the emotion stratification plane”, next is in order “the cognition” the stratification plane, “the intention behavior” the stratification plane.
4.In different background variable, is as for the unity, because teacher's job stress feeling not “sex”, “age”, “the academic background” the factor has the difference; But because of different “the duty”, “the school scale”, “the school area” has the difference. According to various laminations surface, teacher job stress in sex, age, academic background, the duty, the school area on variable earns the part support, but on variable completely earns the support in the school scale.
5.In different background variable, is as for the unity, because teacher stress in accordance to strategy use frequency not “academic background”, “the school scale” the factor has the difference; But can because of different “the sex”, “the age”, “the duty”, “the school area” has the difference. According to various laminations stress, teacher stress in accordance to strategy in sex, age, academic background, the school scale, the school area on variable earns the part support, but in holds the post of the duty variable on All earns the support.
6.In different background variable, is as for the unity, because the retirement attitude of teacher shows the remarkable difference on “the sex”, “the age”, “academic background”, “the duty”, “the school scale”, “the school area.” According to various laminations surface, the retirement attitude of teacher in the duty, the school area on variable earn the part support, but in the sex, the age, academic background, the school scale on variable obtain support completely.
7.Those primary school teachers who have different kind of job stress feelings in Kaohsiung City, in “the unity in accordance to” and “the self-adjustment” the sub-item in accordance to the strategy, has reached the remarkable difference; The high job stress teacher use “seeks the support”, “the self-adjustment” in accordance to the strategy; The low job stress teacher use “solves the problem” in accordance to the strategy.
8.Those primary school teachers who have different kind of job stress feelings in Kaohsiung City, in “unity” the retirement attitude and “the emotion”, “the intention behavior” the lamination surface's retirement attitude, has reached the remarkable difference; Different job stress in accordance to primary school teacher, in “unity” retirement attitude and lamination surface “cognition”, “emotion”, “intention behavior” also all reaches the remarkable difference; The high job stress, in accordance to the strategy teacher, has better retirement attitude.
9.The job stress of primary school teachers in Kaohsiung City has the part of obvious relations with in accordance to the strategy; the retirement attitude.
10.The primary school teachers in Kaohsiung City have in accordance to the strategy and the retired manner are completely obviously related.
11.The primary school teachers in Kaohsiung City have job stress, in accordance to the strategy to the retirement attitude “the unity”, “the cognition”, “the intention behavior” the stratification plane has the forecast strength jointly, is the most main forecast is variable by “the self-adjustment”.
12.The primary school teachers in Kaohsiung City have job stress, “the emotion” the stratification plane has the forecast strength jointly in accordance to the strategy to the retired manner, by “solves the problem” is the most main forecast variable.
Based on the findings and conclusion, the study offers the suggestions for the
reference of the education authorities, primary school teachers in Kaohsiung City, and further researchers.
The suggestions for the education authorities are as following:
1.Unifying all the educational administrative inspection, to reduce the teacher’s working load
2.Supervising school administrative unit to create a system of data making, and this can carry out the experience to inherit.
3.Reducing the student amount of each class, and this can help teacher manage their student better.
4.Reducing the teaching hours of homeroom teacher or group leader teacher, and this can reduce the job stress.
5.Planning and supervising the school to design the teacher multi-intelligence specialized workshop.
6.Making the life planning activity to the retired teacher.
7.Distributing all kinds of educational project to the school should think about the school ecology and the work load.
8.Distributing enough budget of each project, and also supervising schools to hold more activities for teachers’ communication.
The suggestions for the primary school teachers in Kaohsiung City are as following:
1.Learning to manage and analyzing the work process, and distributing working procedure well.
2.Having good relationship with others, and learning how to share experience to colleague and be able to find some support form others.
3.Strengthening the concept of the whole life learning idea, and do the further learning and improve the professional skills.
The suggestions for further researchers are as following:
1.Enlarge the amount of research sample: the further researchers could gather different samples from other city or country, or from teachers of different educational institute.
2.Increasing the research variable: except for the factor of teaching at school, the plane of teacher’s physical and mental factor, or family factor, or social factor could be put in to the research variable.
3.Applying different kinds of research method: if researcher could do the higher quality interview, methods on observation record, other people appraisal, case study supplement the verification mutually on the spot, makes up insufficiency of the quantification research; the future researchers may also aim at each variable way of the causal relation to make the thorough inquisition comparison again.