Summary: | 碩士 === 國立成功大學 === 政治經濟學研究所 === 96 === The objective of this paper is to study the utilization of actors’ own resources and the strategies have been used by those Taiwan based actors during the process of Taiwan’s “Go-west” policy, which is to develop semiconductor fabrication plants in China.
As China becomes the centre of the world factory, foreign investments in China market are increasing day by day. When Democratic Progressive Party (DDP), whose goal is to build Taiwan becomes an independent country, took over the reins of government in 2000, the contradictive political economy relationship between Taiwan and China has been changed magnificently. Therefore, the core objective of this paper is focusing on how DDP implements its relatively open political economy policy towards China.
This research combines/integrates policy network typology by Rhodes & Marsh and dialectical way of policy by Marsh & Smith, to reclarify the affections to the policymaker by the following: the procedures during policy making process, the resources owned and lacked by actors, integration between networks of supporters and antagonists.
The result of study found out that, during the policy makinging process, the determination on the quality of every resource and the changes of key border area of the network depends on the change of the entire political economy environment. In the beginning of 2000, when DDP first took over the reins of government with the expectation of the whole country faced great economic depression at the time, they withdrew their past, against China strategy to Go-West policy to China. Despite local personages or other parties offered absolute support to DDP during president election, their opinions hadn’t been included in the core consideration by DDP, that sparked off every network to use its own resources and strategies while the seesaw battle among every networkHowever, the policymaker has not caused the phenomenon that the persons who win take all the advantages, to cover all the demands of both sides at the same time. When the political economic environment changed again in the end of 2005; the policymaker also changed their policy direction to accord with the situation of the political economy at that time.
When we review the Go-West policy to date, the policy itself indeed has feedbacks to the network. The policy of developing semiconductor fabrication plants in China also helps DRAM testing and packaging industry to go China; both Taiwan and China governments no longer only focus on financial aspects or restrained regulations and so on, the governemtns gradually pay attention on how importance of those skilled prefessionals and improvements on the technology, definitely has positive influences on the economy and trading relationship between two sides.