Summary: | 碩士 === 國立中正大學 === 電機工程所 === 93 === A single-phase active power filter (APF) controlled with a low-level micro-controller is presented in this thesis. The proposed filter can not only compensate reactive and distortion power, but also can improve power factor. Both half-bridge APF and full-bridge APF are studied, and the bipolar sinusoidal pulse width modu-lation (SPWM) and unipolar SPWM are adopted to operate the filter. The control strategy is realized by a PIC18F4431, which is a low cost and low-level single-chip microcontroller. Using this low-level controller is a trade-off between cost and fil-ter performance. The filter has two compensation modes, of which one is full-active-power-filter (FAPF) mode, the other is partial-active-power-filter (PAPF) mode. When operating in PAPF mode, two control algorithms are discussed. There are amplitude-clamping algorithm (ACA) and amplitude-scaling algorithm (ASA), which can prevent the power switches from over load. Simulated and experimental results are presented to verify the proposed algorithms and feasibility of the APF.