Summary: | 碩士 === 世新大學 === 資訊管理學研究所(含碩專班) === 91 === The speed for the Internet affecting the people is very quick and fast. The time for the telephone from the beginning to the amount of 1,000,000 users is thirty years; the VCD player costs 9 years, but the WWW (World Wide Web) only costs 3 years. Now the population using the Internet reaches 50 millions in the world and the fast growing subscribers would make the Internet to be a new profitable market.
From the beginning of the Internet in 1993, the development for the Internet has been in trend of growing, especially in the least years. In the least ten years, not only every country in the world notifies the effect of country competition ability from the revolution of information and communication technology, but they also cause the discussion from sociologists, finance experts, economic experts, educationist and the cultural circles. The enterprisers want to use the technique to create or keep their competition advantages.
Therefore, the growing speed of information technology is almost raised by an exponential speed in decade years. And the application and effection they bring include lost activities for industries and human kinds. The most important one, no doubtly, is the raising of the Internet and the all kinds of application for Electronic Commerce (EC). According to the study from provious scholars, Electronic Commerce is a commerce activities though the open, fast and convenient Internet environment, so the enterprises could proceed many kinds of tranditional commerce activities. For example, advertisements, ordering, price negotiation, paying or delivering etc.
According to the previous scholars’ research, EC is a new business model that enterprises could proceed all kinds of business activities like advertisement, ordering goods, price bidding or payment though the Internet with the properties of openness, rapidity and convenience. And the customer could browse the product information on customation website to choice what he/she is favorite. According to the research from the research institute of Forrester Research, the scale of B2B EC would reach 27 billions in U.S. in 2004. To sum up, because of the bomming of Internet, the following commerce activities on the Internet would become more and more, for example, electronic auctions, electronic payment or electronic voting…etc. According to the report, it reveals that no matter the sellers or the buyers, both they don’t have commerce activities on the Internet because of worrying the information security on the Internet. For the buyers, the second reason for hindering the EC development is the leaking of the function of price bidding on the Internet. For the sellers, they consider the problem of credit risk and payment would be the reason for hindering the EC development.
For the problems has been stated, the security problems on the Internet would be the main reason for hidering the EC development and both the sellers and buyers would doubt about the Internet security. But the doubt has been decreased, the possible reason maybe refer to that the Internet security has an important issue and more and more experts and scholars focus on the issues and research of cryptography and information security. And the enterprises for information application software and hardware also develop a securer and trustworthier application to decrease the threats causing the Internet security.
According to these problems, this thesis would focus on some commerce activities for EC: electronic auctions and a new Internet trading certificate model - Digital Right (DR), so the electronic auction and digital rights would be introduced and the new schemes would be proposed to improve previous schemes.