Summary: | 碩士 === 國立清華大學 === 工業工程與工程管理學系 === 89 === The circuit switching and packet switching network have provided two kinds of telecommunication services for people for a long time. In the recent years, it’s necessary to include several traffic classes in the network in order to support each application from different requirements. Therefore, the traffic control of Broadband Integrated Service Digital Network (B-ISDN) becomes an important issue to investigate methods. Under B-ISDN, a range of voice, video, data, image and multimedia services can be supported using the common available resources. Because of the innovation of transmission, the new mechanism must be reconstructed on the traffic management and control under B-ISDN environment.
Due to the routing management is one part of the traffic management and control mechanisms, this article will concentrate on the routing mechanisms for B-ISDN. Routing in B-ISDN networks supports real and multimedia traffic by providing enough resources and different guaranteed qualities for each class of traffic. The routing processes are the following: first, according to the traffic demand estimated from historical events, a routing table is constructed by our proposed Genetic Algorithm (GA). Second, based on the derived routing table, a better route is then decided for some real traffic. The algorithm used in the second step is simple and called the Least Loaded Routing method.
The proposed GA includes the characteristics of time and state dependence, which are the reasons to conquer the algorithm including only one of them. Since the proposed GA is not affected by network states and its objective functions, Quality of Service (QoS) factors can be appropriately considered and the proposed GA is very flexible in different applications. Finally, the proposed GA is compared with a greedy algorithm. As a result of these experiments, the proposed GA has better performances on the traffic distribution and on the bandwidth utilization of virtual path.
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3 研究範圍 3
1.4 研究架構與方法 4
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 寬頻傳送網路與路由選擇 6
2.2 動態路由技術的比較 7
2.3 路由選擇方法回顧 9
2.4 QoS與路由選擇 11
第三章 寬頻傳送網路之路由規劃 15
3.1 路由表與路由選擇 15
3.1.1 路由選擇法則 16
3.1.2 路由表產生模式 16
3.1.3 最大流量界限 17
3.2 穩定狀態路由法 18
3.2.1 問題定義 18
3.2.2 穩定狀態路由模式 22
3.3 基因搜尋啟發式方法 24
3.3.1 基因演算法簡介 24
3.3.2 流程說明及參數設定 27
3.3.3 路由表產生之範例說明 35
3.4 即時路由法則 36
第四章 演算法實驗及效能分析 38
4.1 GA與貪婪法的比較 38
4.2 擴張問題的討論 39
4.2.1 網路連結度與GA計算結果 40
4.2.2 訊務數與GA計算結果 41
4.3 GA與非線性目標函數 45
4.3.1 最小化平均細胞延遲 45
4.3.2 最小化平均細胞損失 47
4.3.3 最小化最大鏈路使用率 47
4.3.4 最大化細胞接受機率 48
第五章 結論與建議 50
5.1 結論 50
5.2 建議 52
參考文獻 53
附錄一 GA演算法程式碼 56
附錄二 十個問題的最佳解、GA及貪婪法計算結果 62
附錄三 要求品質下,不同問題的終止條件及求解時間比較 63