Summary: | 碩士 === 高雄醫學院 === 行為科學研究所 === 85 === e 要本研究以南區技職教育的四技生及大學教育的大學生為研究對象
使用之有效問卷率為96. 06%。以「大學學生生涯發展量表」及「大學生
目標。 研究結果如下:一、不同學校性質對學生生涯發展及生活事件
歸因的影響; 1.一般大學顯著高於技術學院學生的包括生涯計劃、專業資
訊運用計畫、 目標取向計劃、一般資源運用計劃、學習外控、被稱讚
外控。 2.技術學院顯著高於一般大學學生的包括生涯信念、生涯積極信
念及生涯 外控信念。二、不同年級對生涯發展及生活事件的影響;
(負向)內控、同儕關係內控,人際關係內控、異性關係(負向)內控。 2.四
性別對生涯發展及生活事件的影響; 1.男生得分顯著高於女生的包括的
有考試成績(正向)外控,工作表現外控, 學習外控,考試成績(負向)外
控,同儕關係(負向)內控、人際關係外控,異性交往(負 向)外控。 2.而
對學生生涯發展的影響力; 1.學校性質與年級; 不同教育背景訓練,
使其結果在不同年級有不同表現;技術學院一年級學生的生 涯積極信
反而是一般大學生高於技術學院學生。 2.學校性質與性別; 不同教育
之生涯 積極信念信念反而高於技術學院男生。五、生涯發展與生活事
件歸因的預測 1.基本屬性對生涯發展量表的預測力; 顯示學校性質
對生涯信念、生涯計劃有顯著的預測力。年級對生涯信念、生涯計 劃
力。 2.量表間的預測力; 生涯信念對生涯計劃及生涯決策有顯著的
預測力,而生活事件歸因對生涯信念、 生涯計劃亦有顯著的預測力。
Abstract Freshmen & senior students enrolled in the
technical college and nontechnical university of southern Taiwan
are selected as the study sample. 1306 questionnaires are
administered to each student distributed in several departments,
approximately 1067 questionnaires were returned, 42 invalid
questionnaires are excluded, the valid questionnaires return
rate is 96%. Each student included in this study is
administered two instruments: the Career Development Inventory
for college student, and the Life Event Attribution Inventory
for college student. The purposes of the present study are to
explore the differences in the Career Development & Life Event
Attribution of students between technical college & non-
technical university and also to explore the relationship
between personality trait and career development behavior.The
results from the present study are summarized as following:1.
Students studied at non-technical university are more well
planned in career, professional information application,
goal oriented, general information application, and external
locus of control than students studied at the technical college.
2. The scores that students studied at the technical college
significantly higher than the students at the non-technical
university are in career belief and career belief of
external control. 3. Students in the first year got
significantly higher scores than the fourth year students in
internal control of job performance, learning, examination,
peer relationship, interpersonal relation- ship, and
heterosexual relationship. 4. Male students got significantly
higher sores than the female students in the external
control if academic performance, job performance, learning, peer
relationship, interpersonal rela-tionship and heterosexual
relationship. 5. The first year students at the technical
college got significantly higher scores than the first year
students at the non-technical university in career positive
belief, external control of career, and career decision. On
the contrary, the fourth year students at the non-technical
university student at the technical college got significantly
higher scores than the first year. 6. The college or
university characteristics can server as significant predictors
for career belief and career planning. Grade can also serve
as significant predictor for career belief, career planning
& career decision. Sex and marriage also have significant
prediction to career decision. Findings from the present study
indicate that there are existing some significant difference
between technical college student and non-technical university
students in career development behavior and attributable life
events, the significant differences can also be found between
freshmen and senior students, meanwhile, the attri-butable life
events can be served as a good predictor for career development.